About the fund

This foundation has been established in response to the unprecedented disruption and distress caused by military hostilities in Ukraine.  Our goal is to assist the Ukrainian people, members of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Ukrainian businesses, and non-profit organisations by fundraising and directing resources to improve the situation.

Our objective is to provide both emergency assistance to tackle urgent, immediate needs and longer-term support programmes for Ukrainian people, Ukrainian businesses, and the re-building of Ukrainian infrastructure.

We are a Ukrainian Foundation, led by a Board of Ukrainian people.  We are close to the challenges posed by the military hostilities, and ideally placed to ensure your donations improve the situation for Ukrainian people.

Areas of charitable activity include: education; healthcare; ecology, environmental protection and animal protection; prevention of natural and man-made disasters and elimination of their consequences, assistance to victims of disasters, armed conflicts and accidents, as well as refugees and people in difficult life circumstances; guardianship and guardianship, legal representation and legal assistance; social protection, social security, social services and poverty alleviation; Culture and art; protection of cultural heritage; science and research; sports and physical culture; human and civil rights and freedoms; development of territorial communities; development of international cooperation; stimulating economic growth and development of the economy of Ukraine and its individual regions and increasing the competitiveness of Ukraine; assistance in the implementation of state, regional, local and international programs aimed at improving the socio-economic situation in Ukraine; promotion of the country’s defense capability and mobilization readiness, protection of the population in emergency situations of peaceful and martial law.

Fund members

Bodnarchuk Inna Oleksiivna

Deputy Chairman of the Board

Mochynskyi Andrii Viktorovych

Chairman of the Board

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